About Us / Certificates and Policies

Certificates and Policies


Airsafe Sweden’s management systems for quality, environment and occupational health and safety are certified according to established standards.


Airsafe Sweden is an approved maintenance organisation in compliance with EASA Part-145 regulations through the Swedish Transport Agency.

You can also see our current capability list AD 5.4.1 for details of all equipment we service.


Air Agency Certificate.

United States Department of Transportation

Airsafe Sweden is an approved Cylinder Requalification Facility in compliance with the U.S. DOT Section 107.805 Title 49 CFR. Cylinder Requalification Facility.


SS-EN ISO 9001

Management System of Quality.

SS-EN ISO 14001

Environment Management Systems.

SS-ISO 45001
Occupational Health and Safety management system.

Supplier Code of Conduct

AD 2.1.4 Supplier Code of Conduct

Enviromental Policy

Airsafe Sweden AB is committed to the principles of sustainable development.

Seeking to minimize resource usage and hazardous substances in our products and services throughout design, production and delivery.

Seeking to minimize waste.

Prevention of pollution through control of our processes and used hazardous substances.

Complying with applicable legislative and regulatory requirements

Cooperating with customers, authorities and other interested parties as applicable to achieve common goals.

Encouraging all employees to understand the environmental consequences of their work.

Working with continual improvements in those areas that have a significant environmental impact in our business to achieve enhanced environmental performance